03/27/25 (WEBINAR) ELECTIVE - From Incarceration to the Community

4 modules

Course length
5 hours

James Kennedy, LCSW

$150.00 USD

Upcoming Sessions


Note:  This training is a Webinar, you must complete the Full Day to receive your certificate. Certificates will not be awarded to those who arrive later than 15 mins after the start of the course and who leaves before the course ends.
NYS Social Work CE & LMHC Credit Hours: (This training is not eligible for SW CE/LMHC Hours)
CASAC Renewal Credit Hours: 5.0

In prison and jail, individuals with mental illness often experience a series of traumatizing (or re-traumatizing) events that increase their mental and emotional vulnerability.  These experiences can create challenges with re-entry into the community.  This training is designed for those who are or will be working with individuals living with mental illness who have a justice-involved history.  Specifically, it explores cultural adaptations common during incarceration, and how these behaviors can influence the adjustment to “living on the outside”; it then provides tools for engaging and assisting these individuals as they transition back into community settings.  Case scenarios are presented, as well as a “Prison Survival Quiz” that reviews some of the situations/decisions that an inmate may encounter when incarcerated, and the impact of those decisions after.  Attendees of the training will leave with a clearer understanding of what it means to be acculturated into prison life, and the steps that direct service staff can take to help individuals re-acclimate after release.


 Attendees of the training will leave with a clearer understanding of what it means to be acculturated into prison life, and the steps that direct service staff can take to help individuals re-acclimate after release.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate CASAC Incarceration to the Community 3.27.25

Learning credits


03/27/25 (WEBINAR) ELECTIVE - From Incarceration to the Community

Instructions to receive credit for this course.
{{ vm.helper.t('reports.module') }}
Post Training Quiz - From Incarceration to the Community
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.exam') }}
CUCS Institute Course Evaluation Form
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.survey') }}

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