Upcoming Sessions
03/19/25 (WEBINAR) ELECTIVE - Running Effective Groups
Starting:03/19/2025 @ 09:30 AM (GMT-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)Ending:03/19/2025 @ 03:30 PM (GMT-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)Type:Single-day Session -
03/25/25 (WEBINAR) - NY/NY Overview
Starting:03/25/2025 @ 09:30 AM (GMT-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)Ending:03/25/2025 @ 12:00 PM (GMT-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)Type:Single-day Session
See All Upcoming Sessions
Note: This training is a Webinar, you must complete the Full Day to receive your certificate. Certificates will not be awarded to those who arrive later than 15 mins after the start of the course and who leaves before the course ends. NYS Social Work CE & LMHC Credit Hours: 5.0. CASAC Renewal Credit Hours: 5.0 Utilizing a group format is a great way to offer support to multiple service recipients while economizing time and resources. The effectiveness of a group often hinges on the planning and the skills of the facilitator. This training focuses on the clinical skills needed to provide effective group work in various settings, and offers information on conceptualizing, designing, marketing, facilitating, and concluding successful session. Using Irving Yalom’s studies, the workshop explores the curative factors associated with groups. Leadership styles and techniques for responding to disruptive behavior in group settings are explored. Attendees will have the opportunity to practice creating a group concept and facilitating a group while responding to many of these common challenges, and will leave the training better equipped to offer group services at various human services settings. Read more
Note: This training is a Webinar, which has 1 session, you must complete the full session in order to receive your certificate. This half day training is targeted to human service providers working to access housing for individuals and families who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness and in need of additional supports. The training is interactive and provides an overview of the NY/NY I, II, III & NYC 15/15 agreements. All attendees will gain an understanding of the distinguishing characteristics of the NY/NY I, II, III, & NYC 15/15 agreements, special needs populations and eligibility criteria. Read more
Note: You must complete the Full Day to receive your certificate. Certificates will not be awarded to those who arrive later than 15 mins after the start of the course and who leaves before the course ends. NYS Social Work CE & LMHC Credit Hours: (This training is not eligible for SW CE/LMHC Hours) CASAC Renewal Credit Hours: 5.0 Property managers and social service providers that work side-by-side in supportive residences can sometimes experience stressors or points of rub in their partnership (whether they work for the same agency or separate agencies). Though both have the goal of maintaining tenants’ well-being, each has a unique role in accomplishing that goal. This training is targeted to social service and property management staff working together in supportive housing settings. It examines the discrete roles of each of their two functions, as well as where the roles overlap. It also offers participants information regarding boundaries between roles, opportunities for quality collaboration, and how to maximize the collective work experience for best outcomes. Strategies are presented to develop and maintain clear lines of communication and establish forums for identifying and solving common problems. Participants will leave the training with skills and strategies to maximize the collaborative work experience between property management and social service functions. Read more
Note: This training is a Webinar, you must complete the Full Day to receive your certificate. Certificates will not be awarded to those who arrive later than 15 mins after the start of the course and who leaves before the course ends. NYS Social Work CE & LMHC Credit Hours: (This training is not eligible for SW CE/LMHC Hours) CASAC Renewal Credit Hours: 5.0 In prison and jail, individuals with mental illness often experience a series of traumatizing (or re-traumatizing) events that increase their mental and emotional vulnerability. These experiences can create challenges with re-entry into the community. This training is designed for those who are or will be working with individuals living with mental illness who have a justice-involved history. Specifically, it explores cultural adaptations common during incarceration, and how these behaviors can influence the adjustment to “living on the outside”; it then provides tools for engaging and assisting these individuals as they transition back into community settings. Case scenarios are presented, as well as a “Prison Survival Quiz” that reviews some of the situations/decisions that an inmate may encounter when incarcerated, and the impact of those decisions after. Attendees of the training will leave with a clearer understanding of what it means to be acculturated into prison life, and the steps that direct service staff can take to help individuals re-acclimate after release. Read more
Note: This training is a Webinar, you must complete the Full Day to receive your certificate. Certificates will not be awarded to those who arrive later than 15 mins after the start of the course and who leaves before the course ends. NYS Social Work CE & LMHC Credit Hours: 5.0. CASAC Renewal Credit Hours: 5.0 Case managers have diverse backgrounds, and they work to provide a wide range of services to persons with special needs as they navigate the complicated systems that support them. Yet staff who are new to the field often have little to no hands-on experience in basic engagement and counseling skills, and studies show that effectively-trained staff provide more consistent and higher-quality services in helping professions. This training offers practical information about mental health counseling and the role of the case manager in facilitating individuals’ achievement of greater independence and movement towards wellness. Participants are introduced to a variety of fundamental clinical skills and strategies. The training emphasizes strengths-based engagement and assessment, active listening skills, focused referrals, and effective transition of services as individuals make progress on the path toward recovery. Attendees have the opportunity to utilize examples from their own work. Read more
Note: This training is a Webinar, which has 1 session, you must complete the full session in order to receive your certificate. This half day training is targeted to human service providers working to access mental health housing for individuals living with mental illness and in need of additional supports.This training provides a history of mental health & housing; an overview of OMH mental health housing models, eligibility, and access; as well as recovery-oriented resources and services.The training is interactive and offers skills & strategies for assessing individual support needs, engagement, and preparing applicants for successful housing interviews. All attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of the NYC OMH mental health housing spectrum as well as how to navigate the HRA 2010e application and referral process. Read more
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