Trainings for Human Service Providers

We train on a wide range of topics related to: housing, homelessness, behavioral health, case management, substance abuse and others. We are accredited as a New York State Social Work Continuing Education Provider.

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Note:  This training is a Webinar, you must complete the Full Day to receive your certificate. Certificates will not be awarded to those who arrive later than 15 mins after the start of the course and who leaves before the course ends. NYS Social Work CE & LMHC Credit Hours: 5.0.  CASAC Renewal Credit Hours: 0.0 This full day training will provide an overview to clarify the core principles of harm reduction. Harm reduction was born out of the need to reduce the stigma of addiction and those who misuse substances.  Participants will be familiarized with a set of practical strategies to reduce negative consequences of drug use. Attendees will understand drug use as a complex, multi-faceted phenomenon that encompasses a continuum of behaviors.  The training will be presented through a lens of recovery – where success is seen through quality of life & well-being, instead of cessation of all symptoms or drug use. At the end of the training, attendees will have a better understanding of Harm reduction and strategies to offer optimal services. Read more

Note:  This training is a Webinar, which has 1 session, you must complete the full session in order to receive your certificate.  This half day training is targeted to human service providers working to access mental health housing for individuals living with mental illness and in need of additional supports.This training provides a history of mental health & housing; an overview of OMH mental health housing models, eligibility, and access; as well as recovery-oriented resources and services.The training is interactive and offers skills & strategies for assessing individual support needs, engagement, and preparing applicants for successful housing interviews. All attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of the NYC OMH mental health housing spectrum as well as how to navigate the HRA 2010e application and referral process. Read more

Note:  This training is a Webinar, you must complete the Full Day to receive your certificate. Certificates will not be awarded to those who arrive later than 15 mins after the start of the course and who leaves before the course ends. NYS Social Work CE & LMHC Credit Hours: 5.0.  CASAC Renewal Credit Hours: 5.0 The nature of case management services varies widely, yet there are core values and fundamental components to which all case managers should adhere.  Using the National Association of Social Worker’s (NASW) Standards for Case Management as a guiding vision, this training offers new case managers an opportunity to learn fundamental concepts of a helping relationship with a focus on strength-based and person-centered services.  The training offers an overview of the ethics and values of case management and builds a foundation for effectively working in health and human services. It also offers skills and strategies for establishing professional boundaries and explores the most current trends in behavioral health, including wellness as a guiding vision.  Attendees will leave the training with a better understanding of the role of case management.   Read more

Note:  This training is a Webinar. Certificates will not be awarded to those who arrive later than 15 mins after the start of the course and who leaves before the course ends. NYS Social Work CE & LMHC Credit Hours: 5.0.  CASAC Renewal Credit Hours: 5.0 Demographic shifts in the United States are impacted significantly by aging Baby Boomers and prolonged life expectancy.  Studies show that the proportion of older persons will increase dramatically over the next few decades.  Services and programming must be able to adapt to this new need to help adults’ age-in-place, promote health and absorb the increase of homeless older individuals.  This training explores the specific needs and challenges of working with persons as they age and offers skills and strategies to assist persons to maximize independence and continue to work towards full and healthy living.  At the end of this training, participants will have a better understanding of this cohort and be prepared to identify how Supportive Housing can offer specialized services and modifications to allow healthy aging in place. Read more

Note:  Certificates will not be awarded to those who arrive later than 15 mins after the start of the course and who leaves before the course ends. NYS Social Work CE & LMHC Credit Hours: 5.0.  CASAC Renewal Credit Hours: 5.0 Smoking remains the leading cause of preventable deaths in the U.S. This training addresses the struggles many people experience when wanting to, or trying to, quit smoking. The Stages of Change model is used to demonstrate how staff can help persons build awareness and motivation to stop smoking, and offers an overview of current smoking and health statistics. This training focuses on the most current treatment for smoking cessation, including Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT) and medications. This training has been updated to include information on electronic cigarettes (also called e-cigs, vaping, vaporizers, etc.). Read more

Note:  This training is a Webinar, which has 1 session, you must complete the full session in order to receive your certificate.  This half day training is targeted to human service providers working to access housing for individuals and families who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness and in need of additional supports. The training is interactive and provides an overview of the NY/NY I, II, III ​&​ NYC 15/15 agreements. All attendees will gain an understanding of the distinguishing characteristics of the NY/NY I, II, III, ​&​ NYC 15/15 agreements, special needs populations and eligibility criteria. Read more

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