03/26/25 (In Person) ELECTIVE - Coordinating Property Management and Social Services (Manhattan)

4 modules

Course length
150 mins

Allison Costine

$150.00 USD

Upcoming Sessions


Note:  You must complete the Full Day to receive your certificate. Certificates will not be awarded to those who arrive later than 15 mins after the start of the course and who leaves before the course ends.
NYS Social Work CE & LMHC Credit Hours: (This training is not eligible for SW CE/LMHC Hours)
CASAC Renewal Credit Hours: 5.0

Property managers and social service providers that work side-by-side in supportive residences can sometimes experience stressors or points of rub in their partnership (whether they work for the same agency or separate agencies).  Though both have the goal of maintaining tenants’ well-being, each has a unique role in accomplishing that goal.  This training is targeted to social service and property management staff working together in supportive housing settings.  It examines the discrete roles of each of their two functions, as well as where the roles overlap.  It also offers participants information regarding boundaries between roles, opportunities for quality collaboration, and how to maximize the collective work experience for best outcomes.   Strategies are presented to develop and maintain clear lines of communication and establish forums for identifying and solving common problems.  Participants will leave the training with skills and strategies to maximize the collaborative work experience between property management and social service functions.


Participants will leave the training with skills and strategies to maximize the collaborative work experience between property management and social service functions.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate CASAC Property Management 3.26.25

Learning credits


03/26/25 (In Person) ELECTIVE - Coordinating Property Management and Social Services (Manhattan)

Instructions to receive credit for this course..
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Post Training Quiz - Coordinating Property Management & Social Services
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